This is a simple cloning implementation of the EvaluationFunctionStateFactory interface. In its constructor this class takes an original/prototype instance of a EvaluationFunction and clones it every time the method “create” is called.

Code example

// create a simple EvaluationFunction
EvaluationFunction evaluationFunctionOriginal = (context) -> {
    if(context.get().getDouble("U") > 23.0){
                .withParameter("system time", System.getCurrentTimestamp())


// create the factory
CloneStateEvaluationFunctionFactory factory = CloneStateEvaluationFunctionFactory.builder()


EvaluationFunction currentInstance = Evalufactory.create();

In this example first an original instance of a EvaluationFunction is created. This instance is passed to the Builder of the CloneStateEvaluationFunctionFactory and build is called, so that there is a factory instance.

To create untouched instances of the EvaluationFunction the method “create” is called and the new instance of the EvaluationFunction can be used for processing.

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Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.