The main result data object for the processing in an EvaluationFunction implementation.

It should only be created by the in a EvaluationContext available Builder. So that default values can already be set from the context. (not jet implemented that way, still this rule is to be followed!!!)


A typical instatiation situation is when a EvaluationContext is in the scope.

Event event = context.getEventBuilder()
    // set the name
    // set the source
    // set the timestamp    
    // set the parameters
    .withParameter("U", Value.of(mRecord.get("U"))
    .withParameter("I", Value.of(mRecord.get("I"))
    .withParameter("T", Value.of(mRecord.get("T"))
    // let the Builder biuld the Event

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Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.